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实用预防医学  2024, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 432-434    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-3110.2024.04.012
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李国星, 杨翠平, 温守营, 麻顺广, 陈怡雪, 赵俊君, 贾伟, 隋煜
濮阳市疾病预防控制中心,河南 濮阳 457000
Prevalence and influencing factors of overweight and obesity among primary and secondary school students in Puyang City
LI Guoxing, YANG Cuiping, WEN Shouying, MA Shunguang, CHEN Yixue, ZHAO Junjun, JIA Wei, SUI Yu
Puyang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Puyang, Henan 457000, China

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