Impact of meteorological factors on stroke deathin Changning district, Shanghai
HE Xiao-ding1, ZHOU Ying-chun2
1. Changning District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200051, China; 2. School of Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
Abstract:Objective To explore the impact of meteorological factors on stroke death. Methods The data concerning stroke deaths in Changning district of Shanghai from 2004 to 2016 and the meteorological data of the same period were collected to analyze the impact of meteorological factors on death of patients with stroke. Results There was a negative correlation between stroke death and the average temperature, sunshine duration, precipitation, evaporation, the number of days withrainfall, and the correlationof stroke deathwith the average temperature was the strongest (r=-0.71, P<0.001). Only the average temperature entered the stepwise regression model of stroke death. For every 1℃ increase in the monthly average temperature, the number of stroke deathsin the monthdecreased by 1.347 (F=156.3, P<0.001). The nonparametric regression model showed that the impact of temperature on stroke death did not vary in a linear fashion. When the monthly average temperature was less than 10℃, the number of stroke deaths decreased by 1.879 for every 1℃ increase in the monthly average temperature. The impact of temperature on stroke death gradually decreased with the increase of temperature. When the monthly average temperature reached 27℃, the temperature had the lowest impact on stroke death. Conclusions We can reduce the mortality rate of stroke through strengthening the active prevention of stroke patients and high-risk groups in the low and high temperature seasons, improving the treatment ways of stroke patients, actively providing rehabilitation therapy for stroke patients and reducing the occurrence of complications (such as disability).
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