Meta-analysis on the susceptibility of Salmonella to carbapenem antibiotics
QIU Tian1, TIAN Ting2, QIN Si1,2, HUO Xiang1,2
1. School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211166, China; 2. Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210009, China
Abstract:Objective The multiple drug resistance of Salmonella is becoming more and more serious. Carbapenems are among the most potent antimicrobial agents that are available to treat multidrug resistance (MDR) bacteria. The purpose of this study was to perform a meta-analysis on the sensitivity of Salmonella to carbapenem antibiotics. Methods The relevant research data were retrieved from international and domestic databases, such as PubMed, Medrix and CNKI. R software was used to perform a meta-analysis on the sensitive rates of Salmonella to three commonly-used carbapenems, imipenem, ertapenem and meropenem, and then subgroup analyses were conducted. Results The overall sensitive rates of Salmonella to imipenem, ertapenem and meropenem were 0.997 (95%CI:0.995-1.000), 0.990 (95%CI:0.978-1.000) and 0.993 (95%CI:0.988-0.999), respectively. The sensitive rate for imipenem was 0.999 (95%CI: 0.998-1.000) for samples from clinical sources and 0.992 (95%CI: 0.984-1.000) for samples from non-clinical sources. No statistically significant difference was found in the sensitive rates in samples from different sources (P=0.168). The sensitive rate for ertapenem was 0.999 (95%CI: 0.997-1.000) for samples from clinical sources and 0.884 (95%CI: 0.809-0.965) for samples from non-clinical sources, showing a statistically significant difference in the sensitive rates in samples from different sources (P=0.006). The sensitive rate for meropenem was 0.997 (95%CI: 0.992-1.000) for samples from clinical sources and 0.972 (95%CI: 0.954-0.991) for samples from non-clinical sources, with a statistically significant difference in the sensitive rates in samples from different sources (P=0.033). Conclusion The overall sensitivity of Salmonella to carbapenems is high. Samples from clinical sources are more sensitive to ertapenem and meropenem than those from non-clinical sources.
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