Abstract:Objective To investigate and analyze the characteristics of an incident of occupational chronic lead poisoning. Methods The pathogenetic pathways and characteristics of an incident of occupational chronic lead poisoning in an electronics factory in Dongguan City in 2017 were elucidated by occupational epidemiological investigation methods and clinical data analysis, such as field investigation, air monitoring and occupational health examination. Results The range of blood lead concentration of all 87 workers in the glass-bulb workshop of the factory was 103.15-755.70 μg/L, with the median concentration being 364.0 μg/L. The blood lead concentration of 4 cases exceeded the diagnostic value (> 600 μg/L). The blood lead concentration of 24 cases exceeded the biological contact limit of lead(400-600 μg/L). A total of 5 cases were diagnosed as occupational chronic lead poisoning. The contact concentration of lead fume/dust in the air of the glass-bulb workshop was <0.001-0.022 mg/m3. The range of blood lead concentration of 408 workers (serving as the controls) in other workshops was 26.91-184.23 μg/L, with the median concentration being 53.82 μg/L. The contact concentration of lead fume/dust in the air of other workshops was <0.001 mg/m3. The blood lead level was significantly hig her in workers of the glass-bulb workshop than in those of other workshops (P<0.01). The blood lead level showed statistically significant differences among workers with different posts and working years in the glass-bulb workshop (P<0.05, P<0.01), but no statistically significant difference was found between male and female workers (P>0.05). The blood lead level of workers with above-mentioned operation and occupational exposure setting in the glass-bulb workshop increased year by year, and their blood lead level was basically maintained at the level of biological contact limit after 9 years of exposure. Conclusions The workers in the glass-bulb workshop were exposed to lead, but the concentration of occupational lead exposure in the air of the workplace was below the limit. The Results reveal that it is an incident of occupational chronic lead poisoning induced by oral intake, and the main reason for the incident is insufficient management of personal hygiene in the factory.
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