Analysis on the current status of public health input in China based on CiteSpace software
DOU Feng1, GUO Feng2, LIANG Qijun3, FENG Hu1, LIU Haoming1, HU Xiaobin1
1. Institute of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China; 2. Development Center for Medical Science and Technology, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 100044, China; 3. Gansu Provincial Center for Healthcare Security Service, Lanzhou, Gansu 730030, China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the research focus, policy evolution and current situation of public health input through bibliometric analysis of literatures and policies regarding public health input, and to provide a reference basis for improving the construction of public health system and investment mechanism. Methods We searched the data about relative literatures and policies in CNKI and Pkulaw databases, and presented the mapping by CiteSpace. Results A total of 437 literatures and 49 articles about policy data were included in this study. The core team of literature research was primarily led by HAO Mo and LYU Jun from the Health Development Strategy Research Center of Fudan University. The literature research mainly focused on academic publications, accounting for 79.41% of all research institutions.Most of the literatures werepublished in Chinese Health Economics, accounting for 14.65% of the total journalswith the literaturespublished. Threshold effect, Gini coefficient, fiscal decentralization, aging, influencing factors and dea model have been considered as the research hotspots in recent years. The main bodies of policy promulgation authority are the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Council. Public health input policy has been gradually changing from the early rural and grass-roots public health system construction into public hospitals, healthcare security and health personnel training. Conclusion Attention to the field of public health input needs to be improved, researches on the mechanism of public health input should be enhanced, and the policies regarding the mechanisms of public health input and allocation should be perfected.
钭丰, 郭锋, 梁启军, 冯虎, 刘赫明, 胡晓斌. 基于CiteSpace的我国公共卫生投入现状分析[J]. 实用预防医学, 2023, 30(12): 1538-1544.
DOU Feng, GUO Feng, LIANG Qijun, FENG Hu, LIU Haoming, HU Xiaobin. Analysis on the current status of public health input in China based on CiteSpace software. , 2023, 30(12): 1538-1544.
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